Pixels Review

The week after we saw Fantastic Four, my fiancé and I went to see Pixels at the Empire Cinema in Sunderland. The cinema was pretty busy, our entire row didn't have a single empty seat.

Here is what my fiancé thought of the film.

From the start of the movie (opening with Cheap Trick's Surrender) you knew that this movie was going to be entertaining, even though at first glance it appears to be a cash-in on the retro game buzz of Wreck-it Ralph etc a few years ago.

Everything that was wrong with the Fantastic Four was right in this movie. After a brief introduction to the characters we are thrown straight in to the first attack by the aliens. The premise of the movie sounds absurd. 30 years ago we sent footage of video games into space as examples of our culture, aliens mistook it for a threat and recreated the games and attacked earth with them, starting with Galaga in Guam, then Arkanoid in India.

The action starts properly in London when they are finally allowed to fight back, beating the aliens at Centipede before Pac Man appears in New York.

Pac Man is defeated but a plot twist means that the aliens are gonna take the planet anyway due to disqualification, they do, however, give the humans one last chance to win, ending with a game of Donkey Kong.

The movie itself was ok, it wasn't amazing but it had a decent soundtrack (although not up to Guardians of the Galaxy standard) and the jokes and references were all on-queue, it seemed like they were following a formula for success than making a movie they genuinely loved but this might just be me being sceptical of anybodies intentions, especially Adam Sandler.

Oh yeah. And the scene in London where they basically mocked British people for the entire scene. I nearly forgot about that. It wasn't offensive but it was remnant of the role Hugh Laurie played in the last two series of Blackadder and not funny at all in the context used in the movie.

Overall I don't think it has any re-watch value so buying the DVD might just be a waste of money in a few months.


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