Plans for 2016?

Its still early days, in fact, when this blog post goes live, i'll just be on my way back from Tokyo, but due to the new restrictions with getting holidays from work (I'll be missing Sunnycon 5 next year) I need to get in quick.

We've had two plans for the last year to either travel around Europe or visit China (Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai) but didn't know which to go for next.

I wanted to visit China next and get both of my last two Disney parks done and crossed off the to do list (although I think my life would be without meaning the minute I cross off my last Disney park!) but with Shanghai Disneyland not due to open until Spring 2016 I thought we should give it a year to settle in, work out any kinks and hopefully the crowds will have died down a little by 2017. 

So it looks like we'll be travelling around Europe!

We've not planned out anything yet, but we need to be quick, at least with picking our travel dates so we can get our holidays in at work.

We're visiting Barcelona later this year for our 10th anniversary so we'll probably skip that when we visit Europe, and then i'd like to end on a trip to Disneyland Paris (personally, i'd love to go in June for my 25th birthday but I'd rather wait for peak season, when I know it'll cost more, but the parks will be open later and there will be more shows and less ride closures).

It'll be nice to have a holiday where I don't have to frantically search Google for "can I take X to...".

Not being able to find out much about Japan (other than if you bring something in we don't allow, you'll be arrested) I decided against taking pain killers and even worried about taking moisturiser!


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