Christmas Wishlist Of A Web Developer

I asked my fiancé to compile a list of the top 12 things he and his work friends past and present would want for Christmas and here's what he came up with and why.

#12 - A New Cat Calendar

Everybody needs a calendar, Lolcats used to make a great calendar but they stopped making it last year. Cat calendars are the best kind of calendar. If you can't find one, get a Dilbert one.

#11 Stress Ball In The Shape Of Their Boss (Or A Normal Stress Ball)

Sometimes, you just get so angry that what you're thinking of doing will put you away for a very long time, or at least lose your job. Avoid this with a stress ball! Squeeze it like your bosses squidgy brain and rejoice in the knowledge that you haven't killed anybody!

#10 - Subscription To Some Nice Coffees (& A Grinder)

There are a few companies out there who will send a new type of coffee bean to you every month. If your significant other doesn't enjoy a cup of coffee then you can always get them hooked on caffeine in the weeks before Christmas so that they really like their gift!

Check out CaféDirect for once in a lifetime coffee adventures.

You can also try Pact Coffee who offer gift sets.

#9 Lots Of Loud 80s Cheese-Rock Music

Picture this: You're about to start work on a project which was written by Tibetan macaques in 1066, you have to do it on the live server because your boss likes to see you suffer, for some reason you can only access the files over FTP and one tiny bug will bring the site down and cost the company £10,000 per second.

What song do you have on your headphones?

It damn well better be "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins.

#8 - Wrist Support Bar & Mouse Mat

You know, I don't think I need to explain this one!

#7 - eBooks

Go wild on a set of eBooks from Leanpub or something similar. There's loads of great books and offers there and you get free updates when the book goes out of date tomorrow!

#6 - A Trip Away

Throw your phone in the sea and go on holiday for however long you have left on your holiday allowance, if you don't, you might find yourself crying into your monitor because you haven't slept for days and your hand has formed a symbiotic relationship with your mouse.

#5 Golden Headphones

Good headphones are the only thing that keeps you from hearing your boss screaming at you "hey… HEY?!? Can you just make this minor update? We need all users to provide their blood type and a photo of their right eye"

#4 - Some Beers Or Ciders

I don't drink, but I know a lot of developers who drink and they'd probably appreciate this gift so they can truly forget what they do for a living over the festive period.

#3 A Years Subscription To Jetbrains IDE's

All of them. Just. In. Case. They're really nice products although I don't use them anymore, maybe buy them Sublime Text so they don't have to deal with that annoying popup any more

They'll never use it. Maybe once. But they can say "I have an iPad Pro" which will make them sound cool at job interviews and when they go to conferences and meet-ups.

This is important, especially for people who work at home and in the office and on the train and when flying to some distant shore to attempt to take a vacation.


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