Suicide Squad Review

On Tuesday my fiancé and I went to see Suicide Squad, here is his review!

Suicide Squad

So, this was a movie that I saw which was... Ok. I think what's happened is that when a movie gets hyped to high heaven and back, everybody's expectations are high so when the movie comes out and it's ok, everybody says it sucks to hell and back so by the time I see it, my expectations for it are in the gutter so I actually enjoy it a little.

So what we have is a premise of a superhero movie where all the bad guys are good guys but they're not bad guys, they're just misunderstood, shunned, trying to reform or mentally ill.

So what we have is a "big bad" in the Enchantress breaking free of her metaphorical chains and creating a super-weapon which she plans on using to destroy humanity.

Our unlikely heroes are given explosive implants in their necks which will kill them if they don't conform, so they conform.

All the way around this we have The Joker, who is the only actual "bad" guy in all of this, frantically chasing Harley in order to get her out of the situation like some sort of crazed mafia don… this is really a new dynamic to their relationship as The Joker is usually a manipulator and Harley is a classic case of Stockholm syndrome, but not so much here. The abuse is still evident but the fury in his attempts to free Harley are not what we'd expect.

Will Smith's Deadshot takes centre stage for most of this movie, his back-story the most developed of the characters and the one with the most to actually gain from the mission.

Of course they win, people die, people come back to life and everybody goes back to prison with leaner sentences and special privileges… and all of the characters seem a lot more human than the monsters they were made out to be at the start… then The Joker bursts in and breaks Harley out, because there's gonna be a movie about them apparently. They actually will struggle to make movies about the rest of the characters in the movie with them being actual bad guys because they made such an effort to humanise them.

There's an after-credit scene which shows DC have no idea how to build interest and they should have really took notes from Marvel on how to tease about future movies.

4/10, it's not the actors fault, the writing was terrible.


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