Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday I woke up pretty early, well ok, it was 8:30 but I hadn't gone to bed until around 1am and I'd had little sleep over the entire week! I was planning on going back to sleep until 9am but just got up instead.

I spent the morning with my Mam, Nan and little brother before heading out to the beach with my fiancé. We were originally going to head into town and see Cinderella but it was the first nice day of the year, I actually wore a tshirt! A tshirt! I can describe how happy I feel when i'm wearing a short sleeves tshirt, its unbelievable. I really need to move to California.

We had walked the long 'tourist' route to the beach as my fiancé needed to visit the One Stop to pick up breakfast for the week, and as it was 'derby day' we made a detour back into the side streets once we passed the shop as the pub crowds were spilling out into the road already, three hours before kick off! 

Once we got to the seafront we saw that the tide was in so we headed into the arcade for a little while, we collected around 900 tokens but decided not to trade them in, there really isn't anything good in the prize shop anymore.

After the arcade we went for a walk through the fields, we used to walk through here every summer day when I was a student, but the football club have closed half of it off now - you know, the actually nice, scenic area. You can see the 'Private Property' sign in the bridge photograph below. 

It was my only day off after six shifts (53 hours at work!) before three more shifts before my next single day off so I probably should have been relaxing, and while the walk was nice and relaxing, my feet were hurting because we ended up walking just under 15,000 steps! I'm pretty sure I walk more than that at work but my work shoes are more padded (even in the sorry state they're in right now) than my Vans.

I'm hoping to go on more of these walks with my fiancé this year, it was a nice change to our usual plans. I'm getting somewhat bored of visiting Newcastle two or three times a week now, there aren't even any shops I want to visit, and in summer I really miss Angelo's, the old rainbow slush stall. 

I'm going to leave this post here, the rest of the photos from our walk are below, please leave me comments with where in the region we should go for a walk next!


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