What I bought in Japan

I never got around to posting a Japan Haul post because I put everything away before I could take a photo of it all!

At the moment i'm going through a lot of my stuff and seeing what I want to keep, eBay or throw away so when I find things from Japan i'm going to post little 'What I bought in Japan' posts so I thought I'd start with the things I found in one of the drawers under my bed.

Neko Atsume Keyring

Naruto/Boruto Phone Case

I picked up this phone case while we were visiting Osaka. I bought it from the Naruto Exhibition and I can't say for sure but I think it may have been exclusive to the event like much of the merchandise was.
This case shows Naruto with his son Boruto and father Minato.
The Boruto movie started in Japanese cinemas half way through our trip to Japan and we just didn't get time to see it and we were on holiday when it was aired in the UK so we've got to wait for the UK DVD release now!

Stitch Tsum Tsum Keyring

This keyring is also going on eBay. I love it and its cute but its just too big 

Stitch Phone Accessory

Pokémon Eveelutions Phone Case

This has since gone on eBay as I prefer my Naruto/Boruto case - even though it really doesn't protect my phone! I dropped it once and lost three chunks from the metal outing.

Kitsune Charm from Kyoto

Evee Charm

Boruto Keyring

Boruto Button/Badge

Naruto Wooden Keyring

¥500 is around £2.90 at the moment so it wasn't exactly an expensive keyring!


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