Pokémon Go!

[Copyright Nintendo/Niantic]

With the game officially releasing in the UK this morning I thought it was about time I wrote a little post about the game with all the hints and tips i've picked up along the way and from other trainers i've met on my adventure since last Friday evening.

Catch the Pidgey!

You only need 12 Pidgey candy to evolve, and you'll get 500XP for that, so catch every Pidgey you see, and keep on evolving them to level up your character - the higher level your character gets, the stronger Pokémon you encounter.

Lucky Eggs

Save these up until you've got a few Pidgey's to evolve, and you'll get 1000XP for every one you evolve!
It last half an hour, so any Pokémon you catch in the remaining time, you'll get 200XP for.

Pick a team!

I joined Team Valor, the majority of my friends had already joined the team and the game just doesn't really work that well if you're playing on your own.

For the most part, Valor and Mystic dominate the world, with Instinct being a very small, struggling team. If you join Instinct and don't know other people on the team, you'll struggle to hold a gym.


You'll make plenty of new, real life, friends in your city's main park.
Mine is Mowbray - although we also visited Leazes Park in Newcastle - and in Mowbray the majority of people in the park were playing. Theres a certain seat between three PokéStops just by the pond so you can hit all three and catch some water types - theres almost always a Lure on the Walrus and Band Stand in Mowbray Park.

Defend the gyms!

Defending gyms will earn you stardust and 10 coins every 21hours per Pokémon you have defending a gym. It's worth it even just to have a back up ready for if you run out of PokéBalls and theres a rare Pokémon nearby.


Select the Pokémon you're looking for and rotate your map until the tracker box lets out a pulse.
Walk in that direction and you'll end up finding your Pokémon!


As you progress in the game you'll still continue to bump into the same Pokémon - only they'll have a higher CP. Keep catching the stronger CP and evolving them, its more worthwhile than spending your stardust and candy on levelling up your original evolutions.

Keep Catching Them All!

These are the 8 new Pokémon I found in Newcastle yesterday. Cubone and Geodude like to hang out in China Town!
Keep searching in new places and you're sure to find a Pokémon that you're missing. 


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