X-Men: Apocalypse Review

On Wednesday night my fiancé and I went to see X-Men: Apocalypse, here is his review!

X-Men: Apocalypse

The superhero movies are coming in thick and fast this year, with this offering coming straight after the new Captain America movie.

The movie sets the scene well, introducing us to Apocalypse as he is transferring himself to another (mutant) body to live eternally and absorb the mutants powers. Just as this is happening, he is betrayed by his people who send his pyramid plummeting and him into an eternal sleep as the sunlight can not reach the peak to complete the transformation.

Fast forward to 1983 and Apocalypse is awakened, finding a young Storm and amplifying her powers, recruiting her as a member of his 'four horsemen' he also connects to a TV and apparently that's enough for him to learn everything. He then recruits three more mutants, including Magneto, who he teaches to use his power to feel the metal in the ground and control the earths magnetic field.

Of course, eventually the whole thing draws the attention of Xavier, who, when looking for Magneto, accidentally allows Apocalypse to detect Xavier's power and he decides he wants them for his own, transporting to Xavier's school and taking him in order to take over his body, which he almost succeeds at doing, to the point that Xavier loses his hair.

The other mutants launch a rescue mission and all is seemingly lost when Apocalypse overpowers Xavier in a psy-battle. Storm then betrays Apocalypse after seeing her hero Mystique fighting against him, and she along with Jean Grey and Cyclops all launch assaults on Apocalypse at the same time, Jean unleashing Phoenix power.

The movie then ends with the reformation of the X-Men.

I think this movie was a great introduction to a lot of characters back-stories and also the amplification of Magneto's powers here, from being able to manipulate metal through to controlling the earths magnetic field, sets up the future X-Men movies nicely.


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