The Christmas Tag

1) What are your favourite Christmas Movies?

Alvin & The Chipmunks and The Grinch.

2) Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?

Christmas morning, but my fiancé and I sometimes give each other a gift on Christmas Eve depending on our plans for Christmas Day as we tend to spend the day with our own families.

3) Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?

It will probably sound stupid to everyone else, but the only real memory I have that stands out from passed Christmasses is when Pokémon originally came out way back when I was in Primary School. Pokémon was my life, and every year i'd get to take my favourite present to show my Grandparent's, and I took my Pokémon game with me. I remember sitting in the armchair, facing sideways, for at least a couple of hours just playing my favourite game.

4) Favourite Festive Food?

Goose fat roast potatoes!
Terry's Chocolate Orange

5) Favourite Christmas Gift?

To be honest, probably the Pokémon game I mentioned back in question number 3! I don't think i've ever loved a present so much and got so much enjoyment out of it.

6) Favourite Christmas Scent?

Yankee Candle's Christmas Cookie.

7) Do you have any Christmas Eve Traditions?

New pjs!
Thats probably the only thing that definitely happens every year now as I can't really plan anything else incase i'm working. This year I have the day off so i'll probably be spending the day with my fiancé and the late afternoon/early evening with my family.

8) What tops your Christmas Tree?

At mine and my fiancé's house our tree is currently topped with a star we bought in Fenwick last year, previously it had a Mickey Mouse star we bought in Disneyland, California but our tree fell over and the topper was very very delicate, and sadly, not even super glue could stick the star parts back together.

At home, the tree is topped with a Homer Simpson dressed as Santa, stuck in a chimney. It was on the back of an advent calendar when I was young and has been our tree topper ever since. My Mam isn't too impressed that he's still our topper, but he will be forever.

9) As a kid what was one crazy gift you always asked for but never received?

I've either been really lucky or really sensible because I can't think of a single thing I asked for as a kid and never got! So either I didn't want it as much as I thought I did, or I got it! Whatever 'it' is!

10) What's the best part about Christmas for you?

Having the day off work!
My family and fiancé and I never all have the same day off together so it's nice to have a day where we can all be in one place at once.


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