Big Hero 6 Tsum Tsum

I had been waiting for the release of the Big Hero 6 Tsum Tsum collection for over a month, and on the morning of May 5th I jumped out of bed (late, because I forgot about the release for half an hour!) and got straight online to the Disney Store website.

Sadly, I found that every time I tried to check out, the Mech Baymax Tsum Tsum would be removed from my basket! And it wasn't long before he was officially marked as sold out. My fiancé did find him on eBay though - official! - after someone had gone into their local store that morning and bought two of each and stuck them online! So in the end, Mech Baymax cost just over 3x what he should have. But I have him now and thats all that matters!

I ordered the rest of the set there and then, and around an hour later a couple of other characters were also marked as being sold out, with the Little Mermaid set settling out in under half an hour, its safe to see Tsum Tsums are getting pretty popular (or understocked) here in the UK. 

The Disney Store UK have no intentions of restocking either of these collections.

So here they are, the complete Big Hero 6 Tsum Tsum collection!

Who is your favourite?


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