Doctor Strange Review

As always, movie review written by my fiancé.

We went to see Doctor Strange and I didn't know what to expect: Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor who really likes to get into the role he's playing so my concerns were not about the acting, more the special effects required to really do justice to the title. Special effects have the amazing ability to look dated rather quickly and time will tell how this offering stands up.

The basic story in the movie is that our protagonist is an arrogant, unlikable masterful surgeon who has a car accident when he's on his mobile at high speeds (subtle warning there kids!) which cripples his once skilled hands. He goes in a huff blaming everybody for it when it was actually his own fault, before hearing of a man who was healed, he seeks this guy out who tells him to go to Kamar-Taj and seek the Ancient One, who can help him. So he goes there and we get some comic relief for a bit before he begins his training and starts to show promise, putting in extra hours and learning how to use the Eye of Agamotto which controls time.

Before all this, the bad guy Kaecilius and his henchmen steal a page from a book and use it to summon the mystical Dormammu who lives in a different dimension where time does not exist (this is important) to give the Earth to Dormammu and empower everybody with eternal life (or so they believe)

Doctor Strange continues his training and becomes mediocre, before an attack by Kaecilius forces him to fight.

After fighting for a while and gaining possession of the Cloak of Levitation which takes a likening to Strange and protects him. In the ensuing battle, the Ancient One is mortally wounded after being revealed to be channeling dark energy to prolong her life and protect the world.

This all culminates in a battle in which everything gets destroyed before Strange realises he can create a time loop in the timeless dimension with the Eye of Agamotto and bargain with Dormammu, he'll let him out of the time loop if he leaves Earth alone and takes Kaecilius and his henchmen from Earth into his dimension. They then use the Eye of Agamotto one more time to restore everything to the way it was before the battle, and Doctor Strange begins to take his powers and responsibilities seriously.

This is a very fun movie to watch and I'd recommend seeing it. The special effects might eventually feel dated but for now they're just fine.


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