Pokemon GO Friend Battles!

The time has finally arrived!
Pokémon GO has finally introduced PvP with the great addition of being able to battle your friends anywhere in the world - as long as you're best or ultra friend levels.

After work today my fiancé and I decided to try out our first battle.
We ended up picking pretty much the same Pokémon - we both used Slaking and Gengar.

And of course, I won.

The way PvP battles work is slightly different to the usual way you fight in raids and gym battles in the sense that you can't dodge! instead they have a new system in which both trainers are given two Protect Shields to use in the battle, the game alerts you when a charged attack is incoming to give you the option to use one of your shields, but as you only get two, make sure you use them wisely!

PvP battles are very button bashy - even more so than regular battles, you even have to tap to power up your charged move after filling up your charge!

Overall it's pretty smooth and easy, so my plan now is to farm as many gifts as I can so I can level up with more friends!

 Have you tried it yet?

Leave your friend code in the comments!


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